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A few weeks ago I was at JoAnn on the hunt for some backing fabric for snap tabs. I always head straight to remnants and raid the bins for fabric that will not fray, and will give a professional finish. This time, however, there wasn’t a black remnant in sight that fit the bill! So off I went to the regular priced (GASP!) fabric.
I happened upon this awesome rigid, black fabric and took it to the cutting counter. In our small talk, the cutting lady informed me that this was chalkboard fabric. “Wow!” I said, “I didn’t even know I had that. I’ve never used it before.” I just bought it to be a nice stable, rigid backing for my snap tabs, but I was excited about using at least a small portion of it for its intended purpose!
As the Snap Tab Queen of Etsyâ„¢ [self-given title], I knew I had to do some kind of awesome snap tab project with chalkboard fabric. As a mom, I really wanted to do something creative for kids. I brainstormed a little bit and “Little Love You’s” was born!
“Little Love You’s” are large (approximately 2.5″ each, depending on shape) snap tab designs, and while you could use them for any purpose (add a name, monogram, initial, etc), in this blog I want to demonstrate how to use them to make adorable little love notes to send with your child to school, surprise your spouse on a long commute, as a fun gift tag that can be reused again and again.. As you can see, the possibilities are endless!
First, you need the snap tab design. Grab it in my Etsy shop here: www.etsy.com/listing/502381345/large-shape-snap-tab-set-circle-square
Next, you need some chalkboard fabric. I got mine at my local JoAnn. It was $5.99 per yard and I used a coupon on a large cut. I’ve also seen it in other fabric shops online, and on Amazon as well.
I chose to use a chalkboard marker, which I got at Walmart. I got the Bistro brand, but I was not impressed with their selection. I bet you could find a better selection at a craft store, but I happened to be making a return and had this item in mind so I ran by their craft section. Mine carries Bistro brand (which is produced by Marvy/Uchida, a brand that I trust with lots of other art pens), and they had two sizes of white pens, and a pack of white, red, black, and yellow. To be fair, there was also a whole row underneath these that was empty, that could have held more selections at one time. I was in a hurry so I grabbed one white pen for $2.97. Walmart.com boasts a much larger selection, or you could always try Amazon if you’re a Prime member to get a good deal on some different brands, like these by Vellostar.
So you’ve got your chalkboard fabric and chalk/markers, now it’s time to prep your materials. My chalkboard fabric from JoAnn came with instructions, so I followed them to prep the fabric for use.
Little “Love-You”s: Chalkboard Snap Tab Tutorial
Next, use the prepped chalkboard fabric to make your snap tab just like you do any others:
Hoop your tearaway stabilizer.
Stitch the placement for your snap tab.
* IMPORTANT * If you’re stitching something else on the snap tab, like an initial, you can place your chalkboard fabric and do that now. The initial/monogram/design acts as a tackdown.
If you’re just using this as instructed (blank), then you will want to go back one step and re-stitch it – you’re repeating the placement to use as a tackdown. (See below)
Next, place your backing fabric (more chalkboard fabric, felt, vinyl, etc) underneath your hoop and use pins, adhesive spray, or hold your fabric while you run the last bean-stitched step.
Your finished project will look like this. Unhoop, cut around the edge, and install snaps.
Your chalkboard snap keychain is ready to use again and again!