I’ve seen some confusion about the notebook covers, even in my own testers group! So I wanted to do an information post and blog it!

The newest embellished tab notebook covers are for a “mini composition book” or “mcb.” I have a blog on supplies .

I will not be making additional files for an A6 notebook. HOWEVER: each file comes with the tab separate! So you can use your favorite A6 sized notebook file and add the tab using the instructions given in the tutorial or your own method!
Each download comes with three files for the notebook (unless otherwise stated): a 6×10 tab-attached file, a 5×7-friendly notebook-only file, and a 4×4-friendly TAB ONLY FILE. If you’re looking for just the tab, you get it in this download!

That said, I’ve had people ask if they can get a discount if they just want the tab, or if I’ll sell tabs as a bundle. The short answer is no! The long answer is: I have sold embroidery files for over 8 years, and I sold files for $3 across the board for almost that entire time. I raised my prices to $4 for most ITH projects this year. I feel this is more than fair. So even if I were to make a separate listing for tabs, taking up more data on my website, they would still be $4.

Also, I have been listing projects at 30% off every week for a few months now, so watch
New Releases to get a better deal. And every year I have a Birthday Bash and a Black Friday sale with deep discounts so you can stock up.

I hope this answers any questions you may have, and please feel free to comment or email Laura at
[email protected] if you still need help!